Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day Celebratory Cocktails

Wahooo: Tax day is upon us! For some of you it’s good news for others it’s bad, but I think everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that it’s over. Well, unless you filed for an extension like me, but that’s another story. Everyone is rejoicing a just a little, but you know who’s throwing doing the most cartwheels? That’s right, the tax accountants. You may or may not be happy to deal with them at this time of year, but I can guarantee they’ll be more relieved than you when this thing is all over. How do I know?

I’m not an accountant myself, but there are so many in my family that I’ve lost count. It causes a little friction around this time of year, but it always pays off in the end. The day after tax day, we all get together and have a ginormous party (wahooo)!

I kind of feel like I’m cheating because I don’t do anyone’s taxes (including my own), but I go along for the ride anyway. They don’t mind, especially if I come with cocktails in tow (and you know I do).

Here are two recipes for my favorite after-tax-season cocktails:

Mind Eraser

¾ ounce Kahlua
1 ¼ ounce Vodka
1 ounce Club Soda

Fill a glass with ice. Pour the Kahlua and vodka and then top off with club soda. Stir it gently, and drink quickly (that is, if you want to erase your mind).

Income Tax

1 ounce Gin
1 spritz Dry Vermouth
1 spritz Sweet Vermouth
½ ounce O.J.
3 dashes Angostura Bitters

Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Enjoy; you’ve earned it.

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