Tonight, I think we’ll keep things a little more low key since this week is surrounded by parties. Last week it was the Oscars and next week is one of my favorite holidays: Saint Patty’s Day. When I think of low-key cocktails I think of things that are low-maintenance, but still fun. Here are some of my favorite low-key cocktails (they’re also classics):
1. Screwdriver – Does it get any easier than vodka and orange juice? Not only is the ingredient list short, but it’s also easy to find. You probably already have the ingredients in your fridge and bar. For a mocktail, instead of just going with straight-up OJ, I’d suggest mixing in a small amount of club soda.
2. Gin and tonic – This one is as simple as the screwdriver but it has a vintage feel to me: kind of like the martini. The martini would have made this list, but when I think “low key,” I don’t think “high alcohol.” You know, it’s hard to stay low key when you’re completely wasted. A gin and tonic moctail is a little challenging, but you can make a decent one with club soda, lemon juice and a little coconut water.
3. Rum and diet Coke – This one is actually my go-to drink for times like these. I never keep soda in the house, so I have to go out for my rum and diets, but it’s an easy combo that is super casual. When you order a rum and diet Coke, you’re not trying to impress anyone; you’re just looking to sip on a zero-carb cocktail. No mocktail necessary; just drink diet Coke if you’re not looking to get drunk.
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