Friday, February 3, 2012

Cocktails From a Bygone Era

Maybe it’s my recent obsession with Mod Cloth or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been spending time visiting my grandfather at his (55 and over) complex, but I have seriously grown obsessed with the 50s. Clothing, music; you name it. I’m there. There’s something about that time that makes me nostalgic for better days. No, I wasn’t around then. My mother was barely even born in the 50s, but I really feel like we’ve lost something as a society that can be found by looking back to that time. Was it a simpler time? I can’t be sure. Every decade has its own set of problems. What I can tell you is that people valued relationships much more in those days.

I recently saw a comedian who joked about the contrast between his parent’s generation and our own. At his parent’s house, they welcomed people who dropped by unannounced and even had a coffee cake on hand for such occasions. Today, when someone unexpected rings the doorbell, we dim the lights and pretend we’re not home. It’s a sad but true reality. If someone stopped by my house today, I’d do the same. Why? Because my house isn’t ready for company. The laundry is in a pile in the hallway and the coffee cake is still sitting on the shelf at the store.

But, with my newfound affinity for this bygone decade, I think it’s time to change my ways. It’s time to get the house ready and prepare for company. And, well, you know I wouldn’t entertain without some good cocktails. So, here are a few cocktails that were popular in the 50s. Time to get the ingredients and stock the bar because we’ve got company!

1. Vodka Martini

2. Sidecar

3. Singapore Sling

4. Gimlet

5. Champagne Cocktail

6. Vesper

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